Welcome to The Caverns of Octavius!
Our Octocon Dungeon opens up to Adventurers on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of October at 9am.
You are standing at the gates of the Gibson Hotel. You enter through the front door … where do you go next?
Your Quest Begins

Map to the Caverns of Octavius
This year, the wonderful Jog Brogzin has designed a map for our Octocon Dungeon Crawl.
Click image to enlarge.

Your path diverges:
- either: Take escalator up to Reception -> Go up two levels
- or: Take lift up to Reception -> Go to Floor Three

You walk through the restaurant to Concourse area. The Registration Desk lies ahead, on the left of the main passage.

Collect your Badge from Registration Desk Guardians!
They may also bestow you with ribbons and knowledge
Your path diverges:
- either: Continue straight through the passage. You see:
- Panel Room 2 (Alhambra) on your right
- Oubliette (toilets) and the Rope Ladder (also known as The Stairs) on your left
- or: Left of the Registration Desk are Lifts to Workshop and Quiet Rooms. They are locked. What do you do?
- Ask Registration Desk Guardians or Octo’s Elite Volunteer Guards to unlock the lifts
- Continue through the passage to the Rope Ladder (“The Stairs”)

You have made it this far, but your path diverges once again:
- The doorway to Panel Room 2, the Alhambra, is on your right
- Second passage to the right leads to the Committee Room (home of Octo’s Elite Volunteer Guards)
- To your left is the oubliette (toilets) and the infamous Rope Ladder (Stairs to Workshop and Quiet Rooms)
- Straight then left lies a passage to the Trade Hall
- Straight ahead you see the gateway to Stratocaster – Main Panel Room
Congratulations! You made it to the Caverns of Octavius.
Where do you go from here?
Opening Hours
Registration and Info
- Saturday: from 9:30am
- Sunday: from 9:30am
Trade Hall
- Saturday: 10am – 6pm
- Sunday: 10am – 5pm
- Saturday: from 10am (Opening Ceremony) to 8:30pm
- Saturday night social: from 8:30pm, including the Greater Octocon Table Quiz
- Sunday: 10:30am – 7:30pm (Closing Ceremony begins at 7pm)